A psalm to my Father in Heaven I praise You Lord for loving me Thank You for salvation and setting me free Thank You for allowing me to come to You personally in prayer It reassures me of Your love for me and how much You truly care Help me to be a prayer warrior for others Our fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers Whatever the need may be, You already know Still I will come to You in prayer with everything, for the Bible tells us so Teach me to pray with thanksgiving for others who believe And not to focus on my own selfish needs For what You are doing in and through each of us To spread the gospel as You have commanded all of us I pray for knowledge and discernment and for You to grow me in Your word For wisdom and guidance, that through me, Your voice will be heard Remind me to pray for all of our leaders and pastors That they would allow You to guide them in this world of disasters To lift up to You all those who share the gospel and believe And to those that hear Your word, and listen, that they may receive Therefore, in this manner I will pray: Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven....(Psalm 23)