It's unbelievable that 13 years from today You left us so suddenly, on that dreadful summer day It's been so long since I've seen your face The pain that lingers in my heart and soul is only soothed by God's grace As we painted the walls in your bedroom this week Which we've avoided for 13 seemed so bleak We painted it and your baby sister moved in And oh the glow on her face and her proud and excited grin I know that you would love it because that's just your heart You were always a sweet and loving child, right from the very start I know you're with Jesus in a beautiful place But I still long for the day I will, again, see your face To hear you say I love you mama and then I'd say it too Just to hear your voice again...oh if you only knew Until that day, I will try to appreciate the time we had And pray daily for God's comfort to help me when I'm sad I love you my precious girl...Love Always & Forever, Mama?
?July 23, 2021?
#hopefullhearts #godisgreater