Coronavirus! We are all dealing with and responding to Covid-19 in some form or fashion. The question is, how are we responding?! This is a time of hardship and trial in all of our lives, for sure. Do you find yourself faced with the question of why: why would God allow the world, and the people that He created, to go through such trials and hardships as this? Although everyone is experiencing the same global devastation right now during Covid-19, we all respond differently and it affects each of us in different ways. God has a different purpose for each of us. In reference to Covid-19; what do you think God’s purpose for allowing you to endure this catastrophe is?
During the most devastating time in my life when I lost my 8 yr old little girl, I didn’t understand why, but, I knew that God had a plan and a purpose for allowing it. When struggling to cope with mental illness and not understanding why God wouldn’t “fix” me, I knew He had a purpose for it. You see, I couldn’t read the end of my story because I was in the middle of writing/living it. But God, He knew and knows, not only the end, but the whole story of every one of our lives. That’s where faith and trust comes into play and also where we realize that we need to ask God for wisdom in these times so that we can know how He would have us to respond.
We must remind ourselves that, throughout these trials and hardships, God walks with us. He will give us strength and opportunity to demonstrate perseverance under pressure. Enduring these times can help us to measure our personal spiritual growth, and develop a more Christ-like character in our life.
It may not feel like it, but God always has our best interest in mind. He wants us to profit from the hardships and disasters in our lives. Romans 8:28 says, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, for those who are the called according to His purpose. God can, and will, use us, if we allow Him to; and God can use this worldwide catastrophe, to bring good things! We can persevere in the midst of suffering because we have a living hope. God, our living hope, knows what He is doing and, despite our circumstances, He remains in control.
The trials and tribulations that we go through are sometimes, though not always, self inflicted. Regardless, the way we choose to respond, during hardships and trials, is a personal decision. God sometimes allows us to go through difficult times so that we can help others that may face the same hardships. Trials humble us by revealing our weaknesses and teaching us to depend on the Lord. Sometimes, God allows trials to test us to increase our faith, endurance and devotion to Him. We are to rejoice and trust God, no matter what life brings our way.
1 Peter 1:6-7 says, In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire; may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
With all that being said, how are you responding? Are you responding negatively and focusing on all the bad things that are happening all around you? Are you angry and placing blame on who and where this illness has come from? Are you being judgmental of those who are making decisions for our nation? Are you anxious or stressed because you are out of work or school? OR…Are you trying to stay positive and focus on some of the good things that are going on around you? Are you happy that this unfortunate situation has freed up some extra time with which you can spend with your family or on home improvements or maybe just some much needed rest? Are you thankful for the leaders of our nation that are doing what they can to help the people? Are you trying to stay calm and relax?
So how are you responding??? Let me encourage us to pray and seek God’s purpose, for each of our lives, as we struggle through this devastating tragedy.
Powerful truth! Proud of you, Melissa❤